AI Detects Men’s Real Height On Dating Apps, Helping Women Verify Claims And Exposing Height Deception With Precise Accuracy.

Artificial Intelligence Exposes Height Lies on Dating Apps: Is "Short King Spring" Over?
In the increasingly digital world of dating, size seems to still matter for many singles swiping left or right in search of love. With height being one of the most scrutinized traits, some men are taking measures to alter their online personas—quite literally. Specifically, some shorter men have resorted to falsifying their height on dating apps, hoping to appear taller and increase their dating prospects.
However, women are wising up to these deceptions, thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence. Venture capitalist Justine Moore recently shared a fascinating discovery with her 361,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter): women are now using AI, specifically ChatGPT, to see if men are lying about their height on dating apps.
According to Moore, all it takes is for a user to upload four pictures into ChatGPT. The AI system then uses the proportions and surroundings within the photos to estimate the person’s height with surprising accuracy. Moore, who put the system to the test with 10 of her friends and family members, found that the height estimates provided by ChatGPT were all within 1 inch of the individuals’ real heights.
This new AI trick has struck a chord with many, casting doubt on the so-called “short king spring,” a movement that briefly celebrated shorter men. While celebrities like Zendaya, standing at an impressive 5-foot-10, are happily dating shorter men like Tom Holland, who is 5-foot-7, it seems that many women are still setting their sights on taller men.
In fact, a recent study from Texas A&M International University surveyed over 200 women in their twenties. The results revealed that women consistently viewed taller men as more attractive, masculine, and dominant. Additionally, taller men were seen as having greater fighting ability—a trait linked to traditional ideas of masculinity.
As AI continues to play a bigger role in our daily lives, even personal aspects like dating are not immune to its influence. For those using height as a dating strategy, the technology may have put an end to these tactics, exposing the truth and allowing users to swipe with more honesty and confidence.